Thursday, October 20, 2011


 ok, so we are going to need drift wood.

LOTS of wood

 road trip to walk on beaches?

hell no.

just look at satallite maps...

(oh, that would have been nice)

this is all near taranaki but other areas may be good too.

hear there are some good beaches near welly too!

waiongana stream - brixton
possible? trouble with finding road to beach unless we all get wet feet.

waitara river - waitara
massive loads of wood long sand beach

onaero river - onaero
easy access limited wood

urenui river - urenui - wow good one - pic
huge beach, lots of wood, really good access, like realy realy good access.

Mimi river
medium for wood spread out, no public access but open looking farm land.

next step is contact the right people in these areas to see if we can collect driftwood on their beaches?

Friday, October 7, 2011

finished marquette

construction series

This is a quick marquette I made so I could get a feeling for what this would really look like in 3d. It also helped me get my head around how one would go about building it in the real world. Essentially one starts with a large well reinforced archway and then runs outwards from that building shorter and shorter arches. These would then be linked with a skin of lateral lengths of driftwood. As the wall is curving it is inherently quite rigid but I would not want to get too cocky about this until a larger drift wood marquette has been tried.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

106 days...

hi there fellow participant, this is an open blog to show the design work we are doing on the next years temple.

Already I have been doing a lot of design work and feel we have a solid design. The product of many many conversations with my many wonderful (and tolerant) friends.

In my head at least it is already tangible thing, perhaps even a habitable place.

Really I just want to get suck in and build this baby!

BUT as we have another 108 days lets keep things fluid for now.

I'm not saying I want to through all that work away but Id like to open the process up and see if anyone else wants to contribute some other spark of creativity.

So lets pull it all apart and see how many different ways we can put this all back together!

(hopefully with no bolts left over)

you ever get that feeling someone else has already done all the best designs... 

well at least its out of copy right...

the nautilus shell was the shell which caught my attention with its beautifully symmetrical fractal form.

the "door" to a shell also intrigues me for several reasons. Firstly the shape seems to be constantly in motion, as if its falling into its self. Secondly the opening seems to allude to some pagan temple.

Such a intriguing mixture of sharp and soft, geometric and organic.

These spikes would also be ideal as embellishments on the major temple structure, particularly during the burn when they would add a level of complexity to the movement of the flames and smoke.

I would really like to continue this aesthetic out from the temple building too. Continuing the fractal spiral out into a maze punctuated with driftwood tree candles.

Lets hope we have plenty of hands because this is starting to become a bit of an epic project!

Ok, so thats the first sketch. simple but I think it would be a very interesting environment both outside and inside. particularly inside though!

starting to play now, this sketch was based on a double spiral. two curves reaching inside each other provides some more interesting architectural forms.

several people have said that they want the temple to extend out further blurring the boundary between itself and the landscape. to this end I have redrawn the above design but with a low wall extending outwards continuing the spiral of the central wall.

I really think we are onto something with this form. need to start making wire models of this to see what it really looks like in 3D. I will also do some trials with different shells too, they are all such interesting forms it will be hard to settle on any!